Taito Shop Turku

Taito Shop Turku is located in beautiful Brinkkala area at the Great Old Square 3. Our shop manager Paula ‘Pave’ Vanne is always ready to help you!

Our intention is to support local craftmanship wherefor our Taito Shop is full of beautiful products from small entrepreneurs. We also have a large collection of colourful yarns and DIY craft sets for all excited craft people to enjoy!

You’re very welcome to visit us!

Taito Shop Turun myymälävastaava Paula Vanne viikkaa oranssia Johanna K. Designin neulepaitaa.

Taito Shop Turku

The Great Old Square 3 (Brinkkala house)
20500 Turku
p. +35840 849 9642

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 10AM – 5PM